Well! We are a small design company, but we have big ambitions. We set our standards high, to accomplish the best work.
Our designs comes from our hearts and minds; Not ripped off from other designers or generated through AI.
Projects always begins with dialogue to the client. Gathering background information and research. Only then do we begin to put pictures and words together. Actually we start with pen and paper. Writing, sketching, ideas and lots of drafts. It is old school but we find this is the best way to go about the design process.
When we have gathered enough doodles and ideas, then we move onto the computer. Putting the pieces together, creating the image we feel best fit the brief. The process takes time, many rounds of designs and proposals to the client and hours of crafting and refining.
It is an investment for us and for our client, but they are always appreciative of our efforts and the end results. This is the personal touch you can expect from PACA&CO.